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Victor Preza

The Gift of Resurrection: Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit

The Gift of Resurrection: Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit

The entire world has celebrated—or rather, fervently remembered—the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Throughout an entire week, many have reflected on Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, his death, burial, and glorious resurrection on the third day. However, for us, who acknowledge our filiation as his children, this event transcends mere historicity. We consider it the supreme act of love from a Father to his children: the giving of the life of his own son Jesus so that humanity may be redeemed from eternal separation from Him.

"The angel said to the women, 'Do not be afraid; I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here, for he has risen, just as he said. Come, see the place where he lay.'" (Matthew 28:5-6 ESV)

Jesus was raised from the tomb by the power of the Holy Spirit. It was the Holy Spirit who infused new life into Him and rescued Him from death. This same Holy Spirit continues to work today, bringing life and resurrection to both you and me.

However, for you and me to experience this life in fullness at this moment, something in us must die and resurrect. It may be that there are still aspects of our lives that have not experienced this complete resurrection. We must be willing to let die completely that which hinders the flow of the Holy Spirit within us.

Perhaps it is our pride that must die so that humility may sprout in our lives. Or maybe our finances are stagnant due to our lack of generosity and solidarity with others. In the realm of relationships, it may be that our partnership is at a standstill, and this is due to our own pride and egocentrism. It is necessary to renounce all of this so that a new life may emerge in our marriage.

The same Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead also longs to work in our lives. However, what is preventing this from happening? The answer lies within each of us. We must die to our old way of thinking and acting, and allow Him to work in us fully.

Written by Víctor Preza based on the sermon of March 27, 2024.

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